Drew Lujan from Wanted Comix has been selling comics for over 20+ years. Customers have been buying from him on eBay and they always expect the highest quality, the best shipping, and the easy refunds or exchanges. Wanted Comix has a 99.99% positive feedback, use Gemini Box shipping for all orders, and have delivery confirmation for easy tracking.
Drew contacted LASSOMEDIA in 2021 to move his current e-commerce website to the Shopify platform. His current website was always crashing and under performing at the most unopportunistic times. Drew needed the website moved over for his next big sale, we delivered a new functional e-commerece website in about 1.5 weeks. LASSOMEDIA also added some extra features not found on his old site. We currently provide Shopify website updates, and keeping the store running at an optimal level.
Shopify, Photoshop, Social Media